Well friends and family, we did it...we adopted! As of Monday, March 29, we're now the proud parents of the two most
adorable little twins!! Their names are Chloe and Soot and they've been nothing but joy and pure entertainment since they arrived. (And lots of scratches and sleepless nights... haha) I guess you're wondering how we managed to adopt in only 4 short months?? Well, that's because they're
kittens! :) We're having so much fun with these little cuties that we haven't even had a chance to put up their precious pictures yet. Now if we could just figure out how to make them stop growing so quickly - we just LOVE how tiny they are right now. :)
Please continue to keep Darrin's job search in your prayers. The Lord has been
so good to us and continued to provide week after week, month after month. He's really taught us to be patient and trust in His timing. It's so wonderful to know that no matter what, He will
always provide! :)
Our little man, Soot
Sweet girl, Chloe
Soot helping Mommy pack
Chloe attacking her "mouse" - best accidental action shot I've ever taken!
Soot does a LOOOOOT of sleeping
Chloe helping Daddy drive
Our little family!! :)
Wow! My niece and nephew are beautiful and handsome! I'm sure they will grow way too fast!! Love you four!