Friday, July 8, 2011

Father's Day

Father's day was a big day this year, because it was also my Mom's 25th-ish birthday!! (Don't tell her I told you, but it was really her 50th!) We had a wonderful weekend celebrating with my family! And to top it off, we didn't have to drive far because everyone was in New Braunfels! (my 11 month old car with 14,000 miles thanks those of you who made the trek in.)

{Saturday Afternoon} Gruene then Gram and Champa's house:

Hanging out in Gruene

Happy Father's Day Champa!!
Yeah, we were all about the fishin' shirts this year! (And this is the only picture Gram got in! :( )
The Lampley family original: just grab a picture of the person that's missing!
{Saturday Evening} Jackie and Stephanie's house:

"Playing" in Bond's studio/bedroom

Showing off her birthday present - Jojo's registration papers!

{Sunday * Father's Day * Mom's Birthday} Birkner Family Reunion:

The train ride is a tradition! And the conductor (an Aggie) has been driving this since back when Gram & Champa used to bring us girls to ride when were all under the age of 10!

Cousins with Mimi & Poppy

Mimi & Poppy and kids

Birthday girl with Father's Day boy

Happy Father's day to the best Daddy in the world!!

Poppy and Leigh
Next post...4th of July fun!! Hopefully I'll get it posted before August rolls around! :-P

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