Wednesday, November 27, 2013

15 weeks - Happy Thanksgiving!

your baby's the size of a navel orange!
The average fetus at 15 weeks weighs 2.5 ounces and measures 4 inches -- and his proportions are becoming even more normal, since his legs now outmeasure his arms. 

your baby at 15 weeks
  • You probably can't feel it yet, but she's squirming a ton!
  • She might even be hiccuping in there.
  • She's making lots of progress: her joints and limbs can all move now.
We're 15 weeks now and it feels like time is starting to move faster! We've been busy getting ready for Thanksgiving and all of the family we will get to see. (Ahem, I've been busy on little "projects" that just have to be completed before I see anyone again.) We have a fun little gender reveal surprise we made that we are going to hand out at Thanksgiving - can you believe we are only 9 days away from finding out the gender!? We've also been soaking up, literally SOAKING, this awesome winter weather. Hey, Jack! You take what you can get in this part of the world! Darrin has built us THREE fires just this week!!! :) They're beautiful!
As for pregnancy updates:
We're now up a good 4.5 lbs and that doesn't seem to be going back down any! :) 
My headaches are back and have brought with them some stuffiness and a heavy head. It may just be the weather, though. It is quite the challenge finding medicine I'm allowed to take right now!
My energy level is up some which is great, because I've got lots on my to-do list. 
Here we are:
Happy Thanksgiving!!
The Bartons

Thursday, November 21, 2013

Week 14 - 2nd Trimester, Crazy Dreams, & Ill-Fitting Clothing

We're 14 weeks and officially out of the first trimester by anyone's standards. Some say after 12 weeks and some say after 13. 13 makes most sense to me, so I'll go with that. We are nearing the big gender appointment and I'm getting so anxious. I am starting to have crazy/silly dreams about what you are, but they keep going back and forth from girl to boy though so I don't think it means anything. I just can't wait to refer to you as something that isn't "it"! Daddy is certain that you're a boy and I think you may be too. My coworkers say I look like I'm carrying as if you're a boy (whatever that means!) and I am wearing a blue shirt this week. Who knows!? In other news, I've outgrown most regular clothes now and haven't quite grown into maternity clothes fitting correctly. I wish I could wear yoga pants everyday!!! Well, that's no different than normal. I'm sending a little different development update this time, because I like this one from Everyday Family a little better. Enjoy!

By week 14, your baby is around the size of a lemon, measuring about three and a half inches and weighing one and a half ounces. Her body also starts to even out this week, as her arms and head are finally proportionate to the rest of her body. Her hands and feet now measure about a half-inch long, and are actively punching and kicking inside you. Don't be alarmed if you can't feel this movement, it's too small for you to feel.

Your baby is also busy making facial expressions by week 14. He can squint his eyes, and his lips can turn into a frown. His neck has grown longer, and his chin has started to take shape. You baby’s kidneys can produce urine, and his liver has begun to produce bile. 

Weekly Picture - Week 14
Mommy & Daddy being silly at Gavin's Ring Dunk Friday night. They say it's "sympathy weight" but I think he looks great! (I promise I don't intentionally arch my back this bad all the time, I guess it's just habit!)
Bridesmaids at Aunt Kaity's bridal shower on Saturday. She's such a pretty little bride and we're so excited for her big day!

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Week 13

your baby's the size of a peach!
She's about 2.9 inches long and weighs about .81 ounces, and -- proportion-wise -- her head's now about 1/3 the size of her body (remember? It used to be bigger!).
your baby at 13 weeks
- Can you believe she's forming vocal cords and teeth?!
- And even though she's still teeny, she already has fingerprints.
- Her intestines are moving from the umbilical cord to their more permanent place, in her tummy
We have reached week 13 and should be basically in the clear on further complications from the hematoma - yay!! We went back for our 12 week appointment last Tuesday and the little heartbeat was good so we didn't have to do any further ultrasounds or tests. I even got released to work out again and run participate in the 5k I had signed up for on Sunday!
Pre-Race photo of Team Hullabaloo Crew at the Walk by Faith 5k this Sunday. Little Love's first race!!
Week 13 Facts
Weight Gain: 3 pounds
Most exciting moment: Hearing our sweet baby's heartbeat
Most anticipated activity: got to return to my Body Flow class yesterday, ah!! And running the 5k with family, and our big 4th Anniversary date tonight (which really has nothing to do with pregnancy but I love my hubby and we love Josh Groban).
Energy: Increased, but only slightly. Like maybe up to a 2 from about a 1/2 :)
Other symptoms: I have started feeling full off of less food than before, finally! Also, I've started getting daily headaches, ugh {TGF Extra Strength Tylenol}
13 Weeks - we're all fancy for our big date with BabyDaddy tonight :)
The Barton Three

Monday, November 4, 2013

Halloween & Week 12

your baby's the size of a plum!
The average fetus at 12 weeks is about 2.1 inches long and .49 ounces. Now that she's got pretty much all her parts, her main job is to keep on growing.

your baby at 12 weeks
  • Most of her critical systems are fully formed!
  • She's about to enter the growth and maturation stage, in which her organs and tissues will grow and develop rapidly.
  • She's now developing her reflexes -- if you poke her body, she'll likely move.
  • She's opening and closing her fingers and curling her toes, too.
  • Her brain is developing fast!
It's pretty amazing to think that our Little Love has almost finished forming and starting to just grow, grow, grow! (Or if you're like Mom, you may just grow a little.) Some days it seems like we're flying through and other days, it feels like it just isn't happening fast enough.  I wonder what you'll be (boy or girl!?), what you'll look like, whose personality you'll have, what your interests will be, will we really convince you that Texas A&M is the only college worth attending? :)  Ok, maybe the last one is a little much - just go to college, please! I get so excited to think about the future with our Little Love! :) Your Daddy is really excited too - he's probably more anxious than even I am to meet you! (But that's just because I haven't finished started your room yet.) 
Week 12 technically started on Halloween day.  This year I dressed up for the first time in more years than I can remember. Originally, this was going to be how I announced to my coworkers that I was expecting, but I am too impatient to keep that secret so they already knew. :)
Made with Love - I'm sure it's just the first of many homemade costumes!
Belly view - pregnant skeleton

Family Halloween picture - Sully was an alligator and Darrin was a non-participant! haha Sully's costume was so stinkin' cute, but it's nearly impossible to get him to sit still for a picture.
I've experienced some of the typical pregnancy "symptoms" for this stage, (like fatigue & acne - ugh!) but still no nausea or weird cravings (& that's ok!). My weight gain hasn't spiraled out of control yet - I am sitting around 0-3 extra pounds depending on when I weigh myself. Feeling great and looking forward to a follow up doctor visit tomorrow. I can't wait to hear your strong heartbeat again and put our minds at ease about the situation with the hematoma. We love you and we are praying for you!!!
12 Week picture - sorry for the sleepy looking smile!
The Bartons

Week 11 - late, of course!

We're halfway through week 12 already! In the chaos of making a Halloween costume and cupcakes, dip, etc. last week I never got around to posting a week 11 picture or info.  Here's what we did last week:
your baby's the size of a lime!
Your fetus is about 1.6 inches long, and she's got about a 1:1 head to body ratio. She now weighs in at about .25 ounces.

your baby at 11 weeks
  • You can't see it, but she's moving fluidly and gracefully in there.
  • Her skin is see-through, but she's on her way to looking more like a baby.
  • Her fingers and toes aren't webbed anymore.
  • Tooth buds, hair follicles and nail beds are forming.
And for our week 11 picture:
Love, The Barton Trio
 Week 12 to! :)